I want to be… wire-free

12:56:00 AM

Wires just everywhere,
from headphones to cables,
from power chargers to laptops,
from mobiles to coffee tables.

They are just everywhere,
right and left, up and down.
They like to get involved,
even on separating, they retangle, on their own.

They are short, they are long,
some looped, knotted, wedged.
Some just hanging by a thread.
Some insulated, others just frayed.

Aluminium, Copper, Silver, hair,
no matter what I use to make them,
never are they satisfied alone,
and are hence seen together, as a twisted pair.

I am sure there’s some mystery behind them,
or atleast a wicked plot if you call it,
why else am I given one free,
with every purchase of an appliance kit?

They have got too much power, too much control
Mocking the deepest dreams of every man, every noteworthy Sire,
Why, they even broke into our privacy,
camouflaged as an underwire.

I just want to get done with these freaks,
before they make my life a mess.
Precautions they say, are better than cures,
and hence, I am going wireless.