So near.... yet so far!!!!

9:58:00 AM

We are given the greatest gift, that of sight. And its a miracle that we can discern so much with those two organs called eyes. We can see everything palpable, and can let our mysteries be resolved. As a sense, its one of the most important ones...
But the funny thing is, in spite of this beautiful gift, the part or thing which we can least see in our lifetime is our back side. Its impossible to view it without a mirror. And we don't take so much of pains to accomplish that. The thing to say is that though we see all of the world, and things beyond the world as well with our eyes, its quite ironic that we can't and don't see something so close by..!!!! And hence a part so close-by and so very personal is still a mystery to us...!!!
We atleast see our faces in mirrors, but in this as well, we are totally cheated by the mirror. We see what is on our left as our right, and if we comb our hair one way, they actually have been combed the other way.
But our back side, we don't even try see it!! For example the back of our head, which is impossible to see even with a mirror. You need two mirrors..!!! Wow..!!! What a confused and deceiving world we live in..!!!!