
7:15:00 AM

Distant people

laugh away.

In their own little worlds

they stay.

Not an eye I catch

coming my way,

neither a smile, nor a heads up,

not even a ‘Hi’ they say.

I look aside,

to see an ant.

With the crowd leading and following it,

what else can it want.

I witness a stone

dead, inanimate, totally on its own.

But wait! This has got friends too,

with the moss not letting it be alone.

I look up at the moon,

surely this cant have a door to knock.

But just as I am about to find a deserted kin,

a cloud covers it up to have a private talk.

What use are my intellect, my opposable thumb,

and the fact that I have an erect back, you see

I am worse than the smallest creature, and the inanimate rock,

I wonder, if being an ape was the best life for me.


  1. couldn't agree more..its a waste being a human.....

  2. awesome poem.. feel like reciting it.. simple yet catchy rhyme scheme..

  3. hehehe...!!! thanks..!!! kab aa raha hai pune me??
