In God we trust…!!!

12:00:00 PM

Or do we really? When it comes to God, there are so many questions which come to our mind. Right from his/her existence, to the very basis of what he/she looks like, what he/she does and so on. And is it just blind faith, or just a sense of satisfaction we give ourselves by believing in one? There are many view points when it comes to what God is basically. And it is God which brings people together, and on the counter side, separates them as well. Well, it's too big a point to actually ignore, and hence it was time to have a say on these "Godly matters".

To start with, I don't actually believe much in God. I am not an atheist, and surely don't want to be one. But I just don't view God as has been forth in our legendary chapters and holy books. Basically, I find it hard to believe that the creation of the world is just a coincidence, and that all the factors necessary for it came together just at the right time and right place, so that everything is as it now. The world is just too too perfect for that coincidence. Of course, I don't mean to say that there is a creator who has like made everything and placed it in its place. But just that since we just can't explain it, I think it's best to let God come into the middle to take upon this responsibility for the time being. From the beginning this was the reason why God was made to exist. Just to take up responsibility. But now, as we are going on advancing(?) in technology and science, and because we can answer many things happening around us, we have started getting more scientific in our thoughts, and the hold the word 'God' had over people has started reducing. Basically, the tendency of any human or any animal as such is to make himself/herself feel secured about his/her possessions, his/her surroundings. He/she needs a leader, a character or entity which can take up responsibility and give him/her faith that well, you can do it. As was seen, everyone needed this sense of security, and hence, 'God was created' (quite ironic isn't it). This figure was supposed to answer everyone's wishes, prayers, provide people with light when it was all dark, give them a feeling that this is not the worst of everything, and that something good will come along your way surely. Under God's name hence, people started coming together, and eventually helped each other achieve their goals and targets, aided each other in times of misery. People got a feeling of social security, which is by and large the biggest threat a human has, and hence he/she was happy. Soon, the fan following behind God increased manifold.

As we can see, God is nothing different than an influential human being, a leader. Just that because of Gods mystery, about his existence, about his presence, we as humans are more likely to believe in God. (Although I know the adage goes that 'Seeing is believing', well, when do we listen to fellow humans?) Some smart people realized this, and that is how the era of sadhus, saints, and priests began. The funny thing about humans is that they fall for mystery very soon. So a few magic tricks, a few prophesies, and bang! You are a demi-god instantly. Well, but still they had their own problems, and these people brought about their downfall. Even today, no doubt that a lot of Sadhus etc are present, and no doubt some are not at all fake and surely do work towards the good of the people, but it's still hard for me to accept them.

So now I will finally come to what I feel like is God. Basically again, I will start by being all vague and flitty about it like always. But then that's how I write. Anyway, the point is, for me, God is not a definite thing or person. I revere anything or anyone which makes my day. It may be a game of Football, a small child smiling, a good grade on a paper etc. Point is I can't like stick to one thing. Whatever brings a change in my life, be it as small as it maybe, I think it deserves to be respected. Of course, then not all of these are my Gods. These are just things I respect. But one thing is true, that I can't stick to one thing to think as the one to have faith in forever. Earlier, I used to like believe in an actual God, like the ones in idols or photos. I am still not implying that these are not true, or I am in no way trying to hurt any religion or faith people follow. It's just that I no longer think that having faith in things like this will bring any change. Or to put it in a better way, I don't feel any power or self strength following these Gods. So I turned to other things which I feel more comfortable with believing in.

I think one of the major things which I feel has changed me, and looking at which I suddenly feel a sense of satisfaction or peace is my school. I definitely have that on my list to revere for my life, even if I may have a few bad experiences maybe. But it's the first good thing in my life, which brought a long with it a lot of memories, friends, teachers and wonderful experiences. And there is no way I can forget it ever, and in no way will I ever disrespect it. So ya, the school is surely my God. And I have no special way to like pray or anything, just that I make it a appoint to pass by it whenever possible on my way to anywhere. That way I get a look of it, and can surely feel at peace myself.

The thing about praying. I have some serious issues when it comes to the methods people pray. I am not against anyone even yet, just that I don't like people going overboard wasting their time sitting in front of so called lord almighty doing nothing but read big books, or in a silent 'padmasana' posture, expecting for miracles to happen. I hate it when people waste things like ghee, flowers, fruits and I don't know what not just to appease the deity. Its just another form of sacrifice I think. Some things like decorating with flowers and all is nice, but all this shouldn't be done when you can't or don't have the time and the resources to do it. It should be a pleasurable time rather than like a task. We pray in order to feel at one with God. If it's not pleasurable for the person himself/herself, then I don't think the motive of praying is fulfilled. Whatever little time you can take out of your schedule to be at peace should be the time you pray. It should not be restricted by time or place. So I don't believe in all the havans, or the prayer halls etc. That's like compulsion. No person is totally honest if it's a compulsory thing. Give the person his/her time and space, and he/she will surely have a role model or anything parallel in which he/she has all faith in. So even while teaching kids about almighty and such things, I guess the compulsion shouldn't be made. The child should be allowed to choose for himself/herself.

Basically a God is one which makes you feel totally relaxed, or totally honest. With whom you can be totally yourself. In whom you have more faith than anyone else. It can be a thing, person or a totally made up imaginary idea. The point is to have some boulder/shoulder that you can always turn to in order to look for support. And here the only role the "god' plays is to help you to look for the answers yourself. Hence the process of praying should also be just enough to like remind you or make you feel happy about your god.

When it comes to the question of religion, hmmm. It becomes complex now. Because basically religions are built around gods as the support. And if there are like different gods for every person, then there will be an equally uncountable number of religions. Which when we look from what we have on our hands now, is totally cool, since it totally solves all problems which originate due to differences in religion. So without changing around anything much, we solve the religion based riots and fights.

Of course this is not as easy as it looks. But ya, basically this is my stand on god. I may have a totally different god and a totally different faith the next time you meet me maybe, but my point is that this is what I believe in. That it is not necessary how or what you believe or have faith in, it's just that you do. Be it for whatever reason. But that's the way I like it to work, and make it work.


  1. bahut badiya sir....n btw hamari blogs kaafi parellel ja rahin hain...i think we better take notice lest people accuse either one of us for plagiarism
