Fully eaten... :)

12:37:00 PM

Ok, the title makes no sense. It was just because its a follow up of the earlier one...
Anyways, continuing with the usual trend of the in holiday stuff to do, I am doing my bit with the cooking thing which I always enjoy. Just today, I tried Chocolate chip muffins. And wow, they turned lovely. A little too sweet maybe for the likings of the people at home, but well, it was no problem to get them going down my throat with the sweet tooth I have....
I thought of some extra stuff which maybe I could have done, which was making the muffins of a chocolate base too, and not just the chips in it. But well, that will be when I try it the next time...

*2 cups flour
*1/2 cup sugar
*2/3 cup milk
*Maybe 3 teaspoons of drinking chocolate (this is not tried, this I intend to use next time)
*2 teaspoons of baking powder
*1/2 cup butter (if salted, don't add salt later on)
*2 eggs
*vanilla essence
*chocolate chips (this I thought would be available at ease in any store. But apparently they weren't. So I just got a bar of Cadbury, and cut them into pieces. A Rs.20 bar is enough for the above)

Method is fairly self explanatory. Beat the eggs, add butter, milk, essence and whip up again. On another side, mix together flour, sugar, baking powder. Add the ultimate moment, mix these two together. While mixing, take care you only stir in one direction, and don't over mix it, else the eggs lose their bloating stuff as I hear. Add some chips in the dough. The rest, decorate on top. Add in small muffin trays, and put into a preheated oven at 180 C for around 20-25 mins. Eat with anything..!!! They are tasty anyway... :)